Wednesday, May 10, 2006

[Cyclelicious] 5/10/2006 01:00:19 PM

Because of the recent slanderous remarks by the news media concerning our product, we would like to clear the air once and for all. We protect our product from any false accusations. We will now correct the false accusations concerning our product being made from moth balls, being toxic, hurting vehicles and not giving people any savings.

As you well know, naphthenates, naphthalenes, and other compounds from the same family are derived from hydrocarbons – aromatic substances like camphor, gasoline, petroleum, soft coal, or from the camphor tree. Naphthalenes were obtained from the tree, and then, in more recent times, from soft coal. They are combined with metals, organic components, etc., to obtain a naphthenate. We use organic naphthenates. When a naphthalene is converted into a naphthenate, we change the frequency and together with a dispersant we get a very large surface for the catalyzer to work. Catalyzers work by surface and not by mass. This is why our product is made of naphthenates, not naphthalenes. Naphthalenes are much larger crystals and are not useful for our purpose. Therefore, our product is not mothballs.

Maybe if you use naphthalene, it may work a while, but you need to have a larger surface for it to work as a catalyst. The frequency of the matter allows us to work much better in catalyzing. This transformation makes the crystals we use, when they contact the gasoline, because of the dispersants, disappear and only the molecules stay.

Also, as you can see in our Security Officer’s Material Safety Data Sheet, our product is not toxic. I know if you put a piece of carbon and a diamond under the chromatographer, they both are the same product: carbon. However, we all know, they are not the same. During the 50 years of testing to get our product working by many people, we have never had any trouble with vehicles, as the product completely dissolves in the combustible, and thus becomes part of it. However, if the gas or diesel tanks have too many impurities, the gas lines and filters may clog. The product takes about 8 hours to act at 100% dissolving skims, incrustation of HC existing in tanks, tubes, pumps and injection systems, cleaning them as time goes by, depending upon the thickness of such incrustations. It does not harm the combustion system in any way according to our ISO 9000 Lab Tests.

Posted by nononespecial to Cyclelicious at 5/10/2006 01:00:19 PM