Monday, July 09, 2007

[Cyclelicious] New comment on Pollution filter for cyclists.

Ed W has left a new comment on your post "Pollution filter for cyclists":

The filters would probably flow enough air when they're new, but I'd wonder about it after going through a few duststorms or even a good, soaking rain.

But there's a bigger concern - just how do you drink when you have one of these things? It looks like you'd have to remove it entirely. Now here in Oklahoma (which is an Indian word for 'this place is only a mile from the sun, dammit!') hydration is a serious issue when the temperature an humidity are off the scale.

Oh, there's just one other question - where can I get the rest of the Star Wars storm trooper uniform?

Posted by Ed W to Cyclelicious at 7/09/2007 04:10:00 PM